Join our Slack community to help nonprofits with your skills. Once you join our Slack community follow the steps to PAY IT FWD

Support a cause doing what you love...
Browse through the projects posted
Pick a project that matches your skill-set
Nominate yourself by showing interest in the posting
Get introduced to the organization and present your portfolio
Discuss the scope and other details
Set the timeline, mode and other delivery targets, mutually
Update the organization on the progress of work
Deliver your work!
Pick a project that matches your skill-set
Nominate yourself by showing interest in the posting
Get introduced to the organization and present your portfolio
Discuss the scope and other details
Set the timeline, mode and other delivery targets, mutually
Update the organization on the progress of work
Deliver your work!
Congratulations! You have made a meaningful contribution to a cause through your skills.

Get volunteers who want to help a cause using their skills..
Publish a project
Review the volunteer applicants’ credentials and portfolio
Pick a volunteer candidate
Discuss the scope and other details
Set the timeline, mode and delivery targets
Receive your project!
Review the volunteer applicants’ credentials and portfolio
Pick a volunteer candidate
Discuss the scope and other details
Set the timeline, mode and delivery targets
Receive your project!
Work is done. Thank the volunteer for the time and effort they have dedicated for your organization!